Thursday, September 10, 2015

Improve with Improv at #INBOUND15

Dave Delaney has spoken at many different companies and events everywhere.  From LinkedIn Marketing, to other specific topics, Dave has also moved into the world of Improv.  

Where most people first think of shows such as Who’s Line It Is Anyway” there is also a basic, but great lesson, that helps us understand how improv can also help us with our personal lives.

Improv allows you to be a better listener.  By being a better listener, you are able to network better, as well as keep a fresh perspective of everything that is going on around you.  Being a listener allows you to do a few important things when having a conversation with someone.

  • Look Interested
    • Look at them in the eye
    • Don’t get sidetracked by other things that are going on around you. 
    • Make them the center of your attention
  • Involve Yourself By Responding
    • Respond back with saying such as “tell me more!” or “That sounds amazing, what else did you do?”
  • Stay On Target
    • Let the other person do all the talking
    • Keeping on track makes a more meaningful conversation
  • Test Your Understanding
    • Repeat instructions to make sure you are 100% on the same page as everyone else.
  • Evaluate The Message
    • Take the message and think to make sure you truly understand what the person was talking about.  Make it more meaningful.
  • Neutralize the Feelings
    • When people share the same feelings, there is no imbalance.

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